Why On-Time Web Is Perfect for Staffing Agencies

On-Time Web Perfect for Staffing Agencies

Staffing agencies have their own sets of challenges when it comes to time and attendance.  Keeping track of employees at various locations, ensuring hours are correct, and getting local timesheet approval to name a few. In addition to these, you also have the task of collecting the data in a...

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Announcing New Biometric Time Clock OT-3000b for On-Time Web

Announcing New Biometric Time Clock for On-Time Web

On-Time Web is proud to announce that we have added a new biometric time clock option.  We have searched for many years for a reliable, secure, and economical biometric solution for On-Time Web and after much research and testing, the new OT-3000b clock is what we have been searching...

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Doing Time Rounding Correctly

Punch Rounding Header

You may not know it, but according to the US Department of Labor and Wages, you are allowed by law to do time rounding on your employees time. But there is a catch. Legally, you must round both ways utilizing the rule of 8’s.  For example, when rounding in...

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Solving Six Problems for Collecting Employee Time for Payroll

Solving the Top Six Problems for Collecting Employee Time for Payroll

Solving Six Problems for Collecting Employee Time.  Manually collecting employees time for payroll can be somewhat problematic. Not just reducing the mistakes but also reducing the time it takes to process. Solving Six Problems for Collecting Employee Time can be an easy fix with On-Time Web. Issue 1 – Missing...

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Powerful Reporting Can Make A Difference


POWERFUL REPORTING CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Powerful reporting can make a difference in your time and attendance system.  There are many ingenious people out there making due with the time and attendance systems that they have.  They work extremely hard to collect data to report back to the powers...

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It Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

Time and Attendance Doesn't Have to Be Complicated

Time and Attendance Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated. There are some complicated payrolls.  Prevailing wage, fringe, shift differentials, multiple earning codes, Jobs, Phases, and Tasks require specific methods for collecting time and processing.  But time and attendance doesn’t have to be complicated.  The majority of businesses today utilize a...

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