Pricing Calculator for your Instant Quote

Use our pricing calculator below to determine your monthly price for switching to On-Time Web. Unlike similar software there is never a monthly base fee or contract.  You decide the number of employees and any optional add-ons such as time clocks, badges, etc., and the pricing calculator will display what you pay. One-on-one training, unlimited support and lifetime updates are always included with every account!

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What’s Included

Free Personal Training

Our training staff will personally walk you through setting up and using your company site in a live webinar. If you have any questions feel free to ask your presenter at any time and get an immediate response.

Unlimited Support

Our knowledgeable support staff will respond quickly to any questions or issues you may have. Support is unlimited with your plan, so don’t hesitate to ask us for help!

Lifetime Updates

We are constantly improving On-Time Web. Any updates or new features are always included. We even take suggestions for new enhancements from our clients!

1 Calculated price shown does not reflect value added services from On-Time Web partners

Have More Questions?

Do you still have questions? Contact our consultants at 502-223-1136 or use the contact form by clicking the button below. We will get in touch with you as soon as we can to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Get in Touch

On-Time Web™ | Customware, Inc. 1985 - 2024 © Copyright