On-Time Web is one of the most versatile, powerful and affordable tools to track employee time on the market today. It’s simple enough for even the most basic needs but complex enough for larger enterprises as well. No matter what your needs are, here are four tips for using On-Time Web more effectively:

Follow The Initial Setup

One of the biggest mistakes that we find people make is that they skip/ignore the initial setup process. This process is key for getting started properly with On-Time Web. You can choose the quick setup which will run you through the basics of tracking time or the more in-depth walkthrough that guides you through all of our features.

Use the Help Site

Did you know that we have an entire page dedicated to tutorials and walkthroughs? Don’t know what something is or how to do it? Check out On-Time Web Help! There are screenshots, thorough directions and you can even search to find exactly what you need.  We also have easy access to the help from nearly every page of the web application simply by clicking the question mark in the top right corner.

Utilize Geofences

Did you know you can limit where employees can punch in and out? With Geofences you can set up a radius for mobile punches so that employees only clock in where they are supposed to be! It’s a great resource for those with mobile staff or employees at multiple locations

Take Advantage of Reports

One of the best features of On-Time Web is it’s robust reporting capabilities. We’ve got reports for most any needs that are highly customizable. Need to see how much PTO an employee has earned for the year or how much they’ve used? We’ve got a report for that. Our reports have powerful filters to so you can search date ranges, employees, earning codes and a bunch more to find exactly what you need.

Want to try On-Time Web for yourself? Get a FREE 14-day trial here.




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